Sunday, November 1, 2009

Buddy's Place

Inspired by Sarah Stolfa's book, The Regulars, and as part of the Austin American Statesman's December Bar guide my entertainment journalism class is collectively putting together a piece about bar regulars in Austin.

Upon first walking into Buddy's Place I was greeted warmly from the Bartender, an old friend of mine, and when she pointed out the man I'd be interviewing, I knew I was in for dozens of stories and old school insights. Gene Higgins sat in his bar stool thrown with a pomegranate in front of him and a half-empty Pearl. After introducing myself Gene responded confidently, "Hi, I'm Gene and I'm from Earth".  

After learning about Earth, Texas and the farm Gene grew up on during our Interview last week at Buddy's Place, he reminded me to "be sincere about everything you do" and not to waste time wondering how life would turn out had you taken an alternate path. Genuine words from a man who spent his life completely opposite as planned, yet would do it all over again if he could. Saudi Arabia, Australia and Earth, Texas are among the places that Mr.Higgins spent most of his life.

While Gene hasn't resided in Austin his entire life, for over twenty years he has, and has spent his time as Associate City Manager, a lighting supply business owner and a regular at Buddy's Place.  When Gene is not running his lighting business he spends his time at Buddy's Place, where the Texans are plentiful, as are the juke box tunes, games of pool, shuffle board, and darts.  While the bar may not be the proper socializing grounds for yours truly, something about it makes the Texan in me feel at home.  

Buddy's Place is located 8619 Burnet Rd. in North Central Austin, with happy hour daily, from 2-7. Go, grab a Pearl, play some shuffle board and say hello to Gene for me.

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