Everyone around me is sick right now. The flu, head colds, you name it. On more than one occasion I've seen people wearing protective masks in public places like the grocery store. Swine flu looks have even hit the runways?
What happened to working immune systems? I understand the convenience of meds but I'm not a firm believer or user of them (and clearly they aren't working for some). I suppose immunizations do the trick too, but when that's not available why not try some natural immunity.
Incorporate these foods into your diet for better luck this flu season:
Yogurt- filled with live cultures that are full of bacteria which fight off bad bacteria and increase your body's white blood cell count.
Oranges- Vitamin C. Enough said.
Garlic- packed with compounds high in sulfur like ajoene and allicin, which help ward off diseases and battle infections.
Carrots- have lots of beta carotene, a phytonutrient that increases your body's production of T cells.
Spinach- contains LOTS of antioxidants.
Oysters- help your body in producing cytokines, a protein which is known to ward off illnesses.
Salmon- has lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body's phagocytes fight bacteria more effectively.
Bell Pepper- Also packed with lots of vitamin C and prompts your body to produce more antibodies which cover the surface of cells to help protect from viruses.
Barley- contains a high amount of beta glucans, a very strong antioxidant.
If not, jump on the swine fashion train...
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